

killer throb invading the leg right now. after having it propped on two blankets and two pillows throughout the night, i made the grave mistake of actually trying to stand while i urinated. blood? circulation? lest i forget...

more like pull out all yer hair and beat forehead on sink...it so fucking kills!!!

of course, in my pic posting delirium, i was looking for an empty pee jug online. instead, i came across this bizarre site. pics of bodily fluids and feces would easily change my blog rating to 'R' dontchathink?

while i'm pondering the procedures necessary to make my blog an 'adults only', i am convinced the heavy doses of norco (which i have discontinued using) have finally been flushed through my system. it's time for meester vico to do his thing.

i was in such a haze yesterday. all day, there seemed to be a massive heartburn pit located right below the sternum. the double doses of narcotics were definitely blocking hunger pangs. it was so surreal to take a swallow of water and have it splash into a nearly empty stomach; you know you should eat but can't get yourself to do it. i was so listless...

until the metal plate started throbbing some. it was as if my body were trying to reject it, like an incompatible transplanted organ. you know, i don't get how people like to joke about taking painkillers, making the experience so euphoric. i just become a really hungry, grouchy fuck...who blogs way more than usual. i guess that's one side effect she wishes i had all the time

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