
he had...

good english...but i could not freakin' hear him.

just got off the phone w/ this company, which is considered to be a fee happy and very mediocre credit card company. unfortunately, it's also a very large company that bought out the good credit card company (if there is such a thing) with which i had a large limit.

last month, i had spaced out making an online payment for this card, which is usually due the 28th of each month. and wouldn't you know it...the due date was memorial day. of course, in making my payment that friday, it meant (through their shoddy calendar) that my $3.50 balance wouldn't come through until tuesday...a day late.

sooo, i could either rush a payment for $15 or deal w/ the $35 late charge.

such great options...why don't you just break my other leg?!?

granted, i wasn't going to do either. instead, i called and asked them to waive the late fee since i've been such a good customer...who pays on time...and usually the balance amount. well, after straining to hear the guy (Edward), i found out at the end of the call that the 1-800 number that i had called, sent me to a call center based in a country w/ more than 7000 islands.

give up?

yes, people, the guy who was handling my account was in the philippines...a mere 7600 miles away.

i'm just glad i didn't have to speak tagalog...

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