

clean baby now. it was an ordeal to take a shower, but i feel so much better now. leave it to lois to teach me how to bathe while incapacitated; she mastered the art when she had to contend with a broken back or foot surgery (but not at the same time ;)

i'm not sure if i can do that more than a couple times a week...sponge baths are just fine with me. anyway, the kid in the stolen photo looks as happy as i feel...whew!

now...things would be a helluva lot better if i didn't jam my foot while wheeling to the computer desk. the dull throb is marching double time now.

1 comment:

cb said...

Yay for Lois. You need to send her flowers in a week or two.I'm just sayin'. You could send me flowers, too. Although there's no reason. I just like flowers. I also like m&m's, Jamba Juice, mashed potatoes, cheetos, and Reese's minatures. just in case anyone needs that info someday.