
goin' crazy...

it has only been two days and i SO want to rip off the splint. i can feel the bone just thumping against the bandages. granted, i was happy to get the appointment for surgery in four short days but i don't know if i'm gonna make it.

must go back and lie in the cool bed in the guest room. the dvd player has this movie in it, waiting for me to hit 'play.' it has been many years since i saw it last. and lately, i had been itching to head to the pool hall. looks like it might be august or september before i can go again...sigh. oh well. mebbe i can invite someone over for a game of boggle...

it's funny how we totally take things for granted and get frustrated when those things aren't at our disposal. right now, i still have the urge to cook and help clear the dishes. i think over the course of four weeks, i will have a profound appreciation for mobility...i am so lucky that the crutches/transport chair are temporary.

leg's startin' to throb, so i'll catch ya later...

1 comment:

cb said...

Just for the record, I am never playing boggle with you again.And I mean that in the nicest possible way..because you're all in pain and everything.