
i am...

already going bonkers. here's a little timeline of the pain and opiate ride of my injury:

8:00 (right after it happened)...bad
8:30 (on the way to the hospital)...downright unbearable.
9:15 (shot of synthetic morphine)...starting to dissipate.
10:00 (synth. finally kicks in)...feelin' good, but the floor seems far away
10:30 (they want to discharge me)...getting up on crutches makes things spin
11:00 (get an IV because my dinner made two unexpected visits)...just wanna sleep
1:00 (wanna send me out again)...oh yeah, how about me barfin three more times?
3:30 (ya gotta go but in a wheelchair)...car ride home, stop once for the cool air. get home, barf four more times in the garage.

we're just having a little bile fest in my blog...watch yer step

no more nausea, just a dull throbbing pain. do you see mr. percocet? he's laughing at me right now because he's holding out. that shot of synthetic morph (don't remember the name, only that it started w/ the letter 'd') worked its magic, even though the side effects sucked. i can't believe that the injection was only 2mg...it seemed like the nurse was pumping in a few tablespoons with that syringe.

just three more hours until i can pop another one...will someone come by w/ a rubber mallet? just tap me on the head every few minutes until i pass out, 'k? thanks

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Hope you feel better soon! Did you get sick from the pain meds? I always do... makes me afraid to have surgery.