
it ain't...

eBayy. early this morning (before the horror show at Virginiatech), there was a news story on this site. its layout is like eBayy...but the items for sale are far from ordinary. it's called murderauction. apparently, there are people out there who lust over personal items of famous killers like manson/gacy/dahmer et al.

now, i've always wondered about the minds of murderers, just how they tick...even slightly fascinated about how they can just go from one person to another and not even think twice about what they've done; they go about their business unflinchingly for years without being caught.

people who just lose it and go on shooting sprees are certainly not lucid. yet, i think we can all somewhat relate to 'last straw' incidences, we just don't act on our impulses. as for mass murderers, they're definitely a different bunch. perhaps they're cold blooded and calculating...and definitely enigmatic.

but what about those the collectors? THAT is what troubles me the most! what are you expecting to gain from the items? were you hoping to CHANNEL some energies from the stuff?

too bizarre...

1 comment:

cb said...

Six degrees, Spencer, six degrees....