

'ave you seen it? well, we are going crazy this morning. our listing agent is holding an open house from noon to 5:00 this afternoon. we've been doing nothing but cleaning all week...every morning...every night.

so far, we've had two showings and two previews to four other agents. right now, maximizing the wow factor in the house is our main objective. during the past two weeks, we've put four coats of this stuff on the floor. and even though it has been promoted on tv (as in "AS SEEN ON TV") it actually works! the green bottle is for rejuvenating the shine in your floor and the blue is a cleaner. both work marvelously and are available at king soopers for about $5.00.

whew...break's over...see ya!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tip on the product. I've been looking for something for my floors. :)