

us luck. first showing of the house is in one hour. here's the link...but only two pictures. wtf?!? our agent took at least three dozen yesterday. i'll get more for ya soon.

at least it's a nice day for house hunting ;)


you know...

this always seemed more of a 40's cleaning ad than a WWII (let's pull it together) poster. well, that's our motto today. we've just got a few more things to do before the house goes on the market and the first open house on super bowl sunday. should we have seven layer dip and wings out ;)

it is going to be difficult to live in such spartan confines. we're going to have to limit our cooking and either eat a lot of sammiches or go out often. i dunno. mebbe i should cook a couple days a week. i feel sorry for sophie; she is so confused. she can no longer have the run of the house. the entire basement is now off limits since we got the new carpet...the wood floors make her slip and slide...the dog is just plain frantic.



it has been somewhat of a tough week for us. we've pretty much stuffed the storage unit to the gills. sure, we could cram six to eight more boxes in it, but if one box fell...that'd mean one or two flattened people to be found in the morning.

if anything, the only good thing about this craziness is that we're probably 60% packed. so once the house sells, it won't be such a task. we're just crossing our fingers that the italicizing works ;)

i guess the oddest thing about the whole house situation is the vast echo chambers that have been created by the removal of all floor coverings upstairs. the wood floor looks quite good but eating even in the breakfast nook is like a meal in the grand canyon...too strange.

oh well. i know the full moon is affecting things...service in restaurants has been subpar lately...drivers seem to be shittier...and i am a whole lot cranky. methinks it's time to catch a flick. right now, there are at least four movies i'd like to see.

which one is it gonna be? well, watch the trailer and find out ;) i read the book a couple years ago and am curious to see if what i envisioned is anything similar to what they put on screen ;) unfortunately, it's only at a few theaters in the metro area...and the last showing has already started (nearest to the house), so i guess we'll have to wait until the 9:30 show at this theater instead.



we're alright. just ask supergrass

i bet...

you're wondering why i abandoned my blog over the past two months. as you know, i've been notorious for going three weeks at a time without posting anything...so two months might be a bit extreme...even for me.

well, the good news is i'm back with a few stories from my trip to china and even pics. the bad news is that lois and i have bought a house in texas and will hopefully move by mid-april (if the house sells in this depressed market).

the past two months have been hectic with packing, storing, and painting. so far, we've got about 50 boxes in storage and have given/thrown away many things including a love seat, piano, and entertainment center. the house that we've bought is roughly 600 sq. ft. smaller but with better use of space; a 2400 sq. ft. house built in 1921 is not as spacious as you think. we're still blown away with the cheaper cost of living in texas. we were able to get a house with 2 acres for half the price of ours, which is on a teeny lot (4460 sq. ft. - about a 1/10 of an acre). the best thing about the new house is that there are no stairs (which will be no impact on our knees) and the acreage, putting our nearest neighbor 200' away. we will NOT miss the near constant traffic of 6th avenue...especially the fools on their crotch rockets/hogs who zoom by during the summer nights. i have nothing against motorcycles, just the "enthusiasts" who want to whiz by at 100 mph and/or 120dB.

i think we're going to put the house on the market next week, so i'll try to have pictures and links by the end of the month. so if anyone is looking for a 1920's craftsman style bungalow and has $450K burning a hole in his/her pocket, let me know ;) at least it's $185K less than this house (whose price has dropped $65K) and no one was murdered and stuffed in the bathtub for a week. THAT'S gotta be a selling point heh.