

friday. and happy birthday to my eldest brother, Stan, who lives in upstate new york. he's 59 today...wow. i can't believe it. also, my good friend, Barb, is turning 66 today. she's a retired english teacher who has been raising and showing horses for more than 50 years. you wouldn't believe the number of trophies and ribbons that lady has in her house...some of them are national champion awards, mostly half arabian horses.

i'm so glad it's friday. i had a dream on tuesday that somehow made me think it was already friday, so i guess i've had four tuesdays this week ;)

i know the autumnal equinox is tomorrow...i'm ready for fall but this late summer weather can stick around for another couple of months. i heard on tv that oldtimers (i.e., those who live in the mountains and are part farmers almanac) are saying that the changes occurring up in the high country are coming a month early and indicative of a harsh winter.

gre-eat...guess i'd better get the snow shoveling muscles ready. i just hope we have an unforgettable fall ;)

1 comment:

cb said...

He's back! Spencer's back1 how about an update on the foot--and on Lois' recovery? And what you've been doing lately?