

it matters. those of you with whom i'm blog rolled, may want to update the link to my blog since the URL has changed...and then you won't hafta go to the original link.

just savin' ya a click


because Cindi asked...

boy...it has been a long time since i have been tagged. sooo, here goes:

1. A penny saved is...just more weight in your linty pocket.

2. Man is the only animal that...will screw other species just to get to the top...even if he's scaling a massive pile of dogshit.

3. Happiness is nothing more than...a liverwurst sandwich with miracle whip, crisp lettuce, and juicy tomato.

4. It ain’t over till...the ushers (at Red Rocks) yell, "Get the FUCK out now!"

5. To err is human; to forgive...is really impossible when you know you were right ALL along.

anyone else?


been away...

sorry 'bout that. on the 19th, there was a family crisis, which still persists.

dad had his third stroke...and it wasn't pretty. this time, the blood collected deep in his brain, affecting his motor skills. the pressure of the swelling would have been worse had he not been an old man. seems that, due to his advanced age, his smaller brain (don't forget that your brain stops producing cells at the age of 18) was able to accomodate the blood without needing to be drained. thank god because a younger man would have required a drilled hole in the skull to alleviate the swelling.

initially, it looked pretty bleak. the neurologist at Rose delivered a grim prognosis, leaving us a hair width from planning a funeral. just a wee bit scary. there were MANY tears.

miraculously, dad has been a trooper. his blood pressure has steadily decreased over the past six days and he has been able to beat some congestive heart failure nearly brought on by pneumonia. unfortunately, all this crap has left his right side extremely weak and unable to speak. he also hasn't had any solid food for nearly a week and liquid-less for two days. this is definitely a trying time for the entire family. i've been spending between 6-10 hours at the hospital since day one.

surprisingly, dad should be released to a rehab center on tuesday or wednesday. during his waking moments, he's still very aware and manages a couple smiles that he's saved up. in fact, he had a big ol' grin for lois a couple days ago...that was promising.

the past week has strengthened me quite a bit. on tuesday, i was a babbling mess...breaking down on a few occasions. while dad's improvement has steeled me some, i have readied myself for almost anything. the ultimate result is always going to be out of my hands. if it's time for him to go, then so be it. i've watched him hang on and wonder if i could stage a comeback if i were in his place. when it comes down to it, it's all about quality of life.

i'll be able to accept his departure when the time comes; i just want him to go on his terms and in peace. yet, it looks like he's ready for another round.

i got yer back dad...up and at 'em!


an interesting meme...

go to this site and get your free chart...and post the results on yer blog :)

here's mine (although for the most part general, it is pretty accurate):

Name: Spencer
June 15 1970
12:00 PM Time Zone is MDT
Denver, CO

Rising Sign is in 12 Degrees Virgo
You tend to be very shy and not very self-assertive. You are supercritical about how you appear to others. Even though you may think you are uninteresting and dull, you are actually quite soft- spoken, orderly, neat and very likable. You are a perfectionist with high standards, and at times you can be quite tactless in pointing out the faults of others. Very practical, efficient and purposeful, your appearance and bearing reflect your need to appear graceful, sensible and reserved. You have a crisp, no-nonsense approach to dealing with others. Never lazy or self-indulgent, you tend to be dedicated to the work ethic.

Sun is in 24 Degrees Gemini.
You have a quick, bright and agile mind, but an extremely short attention span. You love the external, kaleidoscopic aspects of life, but you tend to avoid (and even fear) deep, close emotional involvements. As such, you seem to enjoy travel and sightseeing and generally being "on-the-go." You get quite listless when things around you become static and dull, but your excitement returns whenever you are stimulated by a new idea. Chatty, inquisitive and quite playful, you enjoy practical jokes and games in general. Your moods change quickly and often -- you are very restless and constantly in motion. You are known for your versatility and adaptability. Your vivaciousness enlivens any social gathering.

Moon is in 05 Degrees Scorpio.
Your feelings are very intense, never superficial. You tend to be either very angry or very sad or completely and totally happy. Your moods are deep, extreme and not always completely understood by yourself or by those with whom you have to deal. Emotionally, you tend to prefer to live at the cutting edge of life, pushing your reactions to the ultimate extremes, even if the results are dangerous or upsetting. You are easily jealous and very suspicious -- you require a great deal of emotional reassurance. A good detective, you are very curious about deep and mysterious things, especially human nature and motivations. Be careful not to be ruthless, tactless or too overly frank or you will meet with much resistance from others.

Mercury is in 03 Degrees Gemini.
Your mind is active, quick and agile. You are very restless and you get bored easily. Unless you receive constant mental stimulation, you become extremely nervous and begin to act in an unstable manner. You are probably a good student because of your natural inquisitiveness. You also love to travel. Your learning tends to be superficial, though, because you have a relatively short attention span. Try to develop the mental discipline to finish what you start. Also, you tend to talk on at times seemingly just to fill space -- make sure that your conversation has some substance to it or others will start avoiding you.

Venus is in 28 Degrees Cancer.
You like to be very close to other people. You need emotional support yourself and are willing to give it to others. When you feel unloved and insecure, you can be very jealous and possessive. You are not interested in casual or superficial relationships -- only deep emotional involvements interest you. Your faithful devotion is one of your greatest gifts, but be careful not to become too dependent on others. Learn to stand on your own two feet and demand your own rights once in a while.

Mars is in 08 Degrees Cancer.
Your moods are very important to your overall well-being. You are confident and self-assertive when you are feeling upbeat, and you are retiring, irritable and grumpy when you get depressed about anything. Very sensitive, you wear your heart on your sleeve. You are easily angered whenever you think someone has slighted you. It is best for you to show your anger immediately and let it all out, rather than to try to hold it in or to hold grudges for a long time. You're extremely loyal and defensive of your family, neighborhood, community and culture.

Jupiter is in 26 Degrees Libra.
You are generally good at balancing opinions and judging issues, but you tend to be indecisive when it comes to making up your own mind. You are objective and quite concerned with fair play and justice. But, when it comes to yourself, you are so aware that whatever you do might upset the apple cart that you often choose to compromise rather than do anything that might make you lonely or vulnerable. Relationships are very important to you -- you learn about yourself and grow through observing yourself interacting with others. Your aesthetic tastes are refined, but expansive and expensive.

Saturn is in 17 Degrees Taurus.
Complete freedom of choice makes you ill at ease. You must have a firm, ordered, secure foundation in your life in order to feel comfortable. You do not adapt easily and tend to fear the new and untried. You constantly fear that you do not have enough (love, property, material things, etc.) and this makes you tend toward being selfish, withdrawn and stingy. If you try to surround yourself with supportive people in your environment, you will become more emotionally self-supporting.

Uranus is in 04 Degrees Libra.
You, as well as your entire peer group, have a very free, unstable and unconventional approach to relationships and emotional commitments. You will be attracted to experiments in marriage and shared lifestyles. Personal freedom is more important to you than entangling emotional bonds. In the realm of art and aesthetics, you are attracted to the bizarre, shocking and unusual.

Neptune is in 28 Degrees Scorpio.
You, and your entire generation, are extremely interested in anything deep and mysterious. You will explore and idealize the benefits that can accrue from the study of the occult, healing and psychology. You are willing to experiment with substances like drugs in order to push your understanding of your inner being to the extreme.

Pluto is in 24 Degrees Virgo.
For your entire generation, this will be a time when profound changes in society's attitude toward work, duty and responsibility will be initiated. Radical changes in attitudes toward personal health and general nutrition will be promulgated and gain wide acceptance and practice.

N. Node is in 05 Degrees Pisces.
You're attracted to others who need your assistance. You seem to go out of your way to form relationships with those who are weak, sick, injured, addicted or troubled in some way or other. At your best you can indeed provide the relief that others need. But at times you can be victimized by those who would prey on your good nature and take advantage of you. This can lead to all sorts of negative situations -- make sure that those you assist are truly worthy of your time, energy and commitment. A little enlightened self-protectiveness on your part can make your life work much, much smoother!

anyone else?

i think i'm gonna head down to Auraria today to see Frank Warren, the creator of PostSecret. although i've kept up w/ the project via the internet, i haven't gone to the bookstore to peruse a copy of the book. i may just buy a copy on my way there and mebbe even get it signed. mebbe i'll see one of you there.

Frank Warren
Tivoli Turnhalle (Room 250, on the east side of the Tivoli Student Union)
1-3 PM

Auraria Parking Map

speaking of teeth...

i came across this old Ren & Stimpy episode. watch this and your oral hygiene will miraculously improve. and check out the Tooth Beaver! LOL



those are my teeth chipping because of netflixx. prior to last week, in the six months that we've been getting movies from them, we've only had one minor problem - a movie that we returned got waylaid somewhere, delaying the next movie on our list.

well, last week, we received a cracked (and unplayable) copy of this movie. no problem, just drop it in the mail and notify them of it. on to the next movie.

i said, on to the next movie.

it appears that they wouldn't send out the next movie until we got the replacement for the first one. okay...

so we get the replacement. watch it. and return it.

no sign of the second movie.

we get the third movie on the list AND the second movie, but it is nowhere to be found. the post office apparently received the front part of the envelope, but not the back...which is the side that HAS the goddamn movie! argh!

so we emailed them and notified them of this. well, the movie, which was originally supposed to be sent on the 7th...is scheduled to arrive the 19th!?!

yes, eleven fuckin' days late. you know, i think they weaseled out on just telling us that they couldn't find the movie. instead, we get the freakin' runaround for a movie that was made in 1940 - such a popular flick, right. god, what a hassle...groan*mumble will someone take these sharp objects out of my eyes now? it's time to bang my head against a wall...

call it netflixx circuit training

a trade...

my niece and her two month-old son will be visiting at the end of the month! yay! i haven't seen her since earlier this year, probably in the spring. i know i'll be on the list of people she wants to see...i just wonder if i'm near the top or at the bottom ;) well, i don't care. as long as i get to see little Marlee. isn't my great nephew just grand...or is it the other way around? anyway...

i was thinking that it sure would be nice, too, if we could trade places for a couple days. i love early fall in our state, but for some odd reason, i'm not ready to let go of the warmer temps...like my niece has in Hollywood Beach, Florida. yes, it would be a selfish thing to do, since i wouldn't see them; i just don't want to face lows in the 30s tonight. bleah. and don't tell me that it's perfect sleeping weather...that's just sick. brr.


Oh Luuu-cyyy...

there is NOTHING on tv right now, so we've resorted to watching Season Six of the I Love Lucy show. yeah...not exactly my first choice, but i forgot that i even had it. ya see, i won it from the radio station sometime this year and it has just been sitting. oh well. it IS the classic tv sitcom...

just going to take it easy tonight. we spent much of the day cleaning. the place is a mess...the past two weeks has been a veritable traffic jam of masonry and woodwork contractors. eighty year-old houses need some TLC too. i think both will finish on monday, which will be just in time for the carpet cleaners to come.

did you figure out that we're going to have company in a couple weeks? our friend, Helena, is going to be in town for a couple weeks. we haven't seen her since she moved to Argentina a year ago. i'm not sure what the nature of her visit is; i think it's a combination of work and pleasure. i believe she had one more article to do for CU Health Sciences...and she just plain misses everyone. it's not like you can just take a short jaunt of 5500 miles!

so...we went through the office closet which has always been a nightmare. it's about ten square feet...was jerry rigged by the last owner (both electrically and cosmetically)...and is in sore need of a makeover, especially paint and insulation for an original single paned window. it's pretty drafty in that teeny closet.

we simplified and sent dozens of pairs of shoes, a couple comforters, a basket, and a framed picture to goodwill. there may be hope for the closet yet!



i was hanging out w/ my dad last night...watching TV and we came upon the new fall lineup of Retro Television Network (Channel 39). it's a small station based in arkansas that shows old tv sitcoms/dramas from the 60's to the 80's. last year, when RTN debuted, the lineup was: Quincy MD, Rockford Files, The A-Team, Magnum P.I., Kojak, Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, Brady Bunch, Beverly Hillbillies, Family Ties, Gomer Pyle USMC, My Three Sons, and Hogan's Heroes. the rest of the programming was paid-for announcements.

anyway, we watched this show, of which i have fond memories ;)

and this one, which dad has always loved:

although i don't know what else is in their lineup, i'll keep an eye out. this is so cool. TV Land still has more shows, but not these rare gems. now, if they'd just find some Barnaby Jones episodes...


poor pluto...

after much debate, what was once our solar system's most distant planet...has been reduced to a mere number - 134340. we sure live in a cold, hard world. what kind of menacing scientists would do that?

mebbe mickey has something to do with it. he always was a rat...


write it down...

if you've been a fan of this site, as i, and can take time off on the 18th...head down to Metro's student union.

Campus Wide Events
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Frank Warren

Frank Warren is the founder of PostSecret. PostSecret is a community art project where people release their secrets by anonymously mailing them on a homemade postcard. Frank Warren started PostSecret in November, 2004 and has since received thousands of secrets from all over the world. The cards appeared in an All-American Rejects music video for the song Dirty Little Secret, and PostSecret's fee? a $2,000 donation to The National Hopeline Network 1(800)SUICIDE, a suicide hotline. PostSecret has recently published a book of some of the postcards with some of the proceeds also.

Location: Tivoli Turnhall


they really could talk shit...

can you believe this x-ray? Four prisoners in an El Salvador jail hid cellphones, a phone charger and spare chips in their bowels so they could coordinate crimes from their cells...talk about wacko.

here are some more wacko x-rays:

(left x-ray) this south korean man had sought help for a bad headache. upon discovery of the nail embedded in his forehead, he revealed that the incident occurred FOUR years earlier.

(right x-ray) these surgical scissors were left in an australian surgery patient for six months until they were discovered! bet she owns that hospital now...

(above x-ray) as part of an alleged body parts ring, these PVC plumbing pipes were inserted in place of a deceased person's bones. that's just wrong...how ghoulish!

like Kim Jong-Il...

when i first saw this template for my new blog, i immediately thought of two things, the flag of North Korea and its maniacal leader, er, despot, Kim Jong-Il. i tell you, it has 'comrade' all over it...and he reeks of Don King. look at that hair. i just wanna know how a proponent of communism be so plump? a little corruption maybe? your poor, hungry populace breaks their backs, worships you like a god, and dispenses your propaganda while you fatten up.

not cool at all. communism and other socialist projects don't work because there's never equality; all it takes is one greedy motherfucker to mess up the model. didn't he just lose 40 lbs. while he was in the hospital? btw, none of it was beard ;)



that's a first. this movie was our netflix pick...got it yesterday...loaded it...and found out that the dvd was, indeed, cracked. so we won't get the new one until tomorrow...sigh. so, this one should be in the mail today.

lois got her stitches removed from her bunion surgery. she now has a frankenstein left foot. eleven fat stitches do nothing for small feet (btw, this photo isn't of her foot;). i feel so bad for her. i've never had any surgery in my life and she's had nine in the last ten years. i...am...so...wimpy.

she's doing okay though. she took an extra day off last week and had a four day weekend to rest her footie up. i couldn't imagine being encumbered by that massive boot...for six weeks.

those wacky pen spinners...

when i was in high school, there were two asians who had some cool pencil/pen twirling skills. napoleon would be proud...

thawin was a chinese kid from thailand who was my study buddy for calculus and the lord of table tennis. in fact, he kicked my ass in both areas. anyway, he used to sit at his desk and twirl his pencil...especially during tests.

it was so unnerving.

what was unnerving about it was that the pencil would ALWAYS spin flawlessly around his thumb (video #3), like he had some built in gyroscope in his hand. lee jay and i would watch and just roll our eyes (while we secretly practiced at night).

i never got it down, but lee jay got pretty good. guess i didn't have WILD aspirations of becoming the second best pencil twirler in calculus...such a coveted title.

there was also emily kim, a korean gal whom i had known since elementary. she sat across from me in honors thesis and, like thawin, twirled her pencil during periods of idleness. however, unlike thawin, she twirled her pencil through her fingers, usually intertwining the pencil through her fingers and launching it with her ring finger (see video #2).

so i found it entertaining when i came upon the stabilo site and its twirling videos and how-to's. check out the twister & jump (#5) and the matrixx (#9). those are very cool, especially the twister...so mesmerizing.


i don't think so. with my limited knowledge of html, this is as good as it's gonna get. and i'm definitely unwilling to PAY for a nice blog ;) i don't care if $5 a month is all it takes. $60 will get me a pretty nice day in mexico city, even amongst all the obrador supporters.


it is cold and dreary outside. isn't it funny that we'd be happy to have 60 degree temps in december, yet complain about it in september...but it's still summer!

been buying chex mix lately. a couple weeks ago, we got two bags of 'normal' flavors, such as traditional and bold. blew through them. such good substitutes for dinner heh!

well, when we decimated our supply of mix, we went back to the store and got some fruity flavors...apple cinnamon and tropical. mind you, we had coupons each time AND the items were on sale; any sane person wouldn't pay that kind of money for such empty calories.

the sweet chex flavors are...so FOUL. the tropical tastes like chex mix bathed in banana flavoring. a little weird. and the apple cinnamon is just not sweet enough. those apple chips have 'ugh' written all over them.

HOWEVER, not wanting to waste it or offer it to the birds, i decided to try them in milk...like cereal. not bad at all! in fact, the chunks of fruit and nuts are more healthy offerings than sugar coated flakes (which i still like) and overall a toned down sweetness. so they're lousy for out of hand snacking and out of the question for dessert. but for breakfast? yeah, in a pinch...with a coupon and sale ;)

are you following me?

this is my new home. after 3+ years at the old place, i felt it was time for some change. for the past six months, i always felt like i was in some blog rut. so let's move on to another blog chapter...

as good ol' Ralph Kramden used to say, "And a-waaay we go!"